AGM - Wed, Oct 26, 2016 @ 7:00pm
Our Annual General Meeting will be held at the Ongwanada Resource Centre, 191 Portsmouth Avenue. The agenda will include reports on the 2016 season, discussion of the capital project, and the election of the new board. We have been working steadily on the rewriting of the club’s by-laws but it is unknown at this stage if they will be ready for review prior to the AGM.
Election of the KTC Board for next season will take place at the Annual General Meeting on Oct. 26 at Ongwanada. All Full Members* of the club are eligible to sit on the board and are encouraged to put their names forward and become involved in the operation of our volunteer-run club. Board positions are as follows: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President (ex-officio), and up to eight Members-At-Large, who generally take responsibility for areas such as socials, tournaments, club maintenance, club governance, marketing, the newsletter, etc.
Volunteers have already come forward for some of the above positions, but currently there are vacancies for a number of Member-at-Large positions such as Socials, Maintenance & Infrastructure, Governance, and Marketing & Communications. Interested members are encouraged to volunteer for these or any other Board positions. A strong volunteer base is essential to the ongoing vibrancy and success of our club.
Nominations for any position may be made by two Full Members. Nominations and/or questions should be forwarded to Doug Bowie at by Oct. 1. A preliminary list of nominees will be distributed to the membership on Oct. 3. The final deadline for nominations is Sun. Oct. 9.
* Full Members are adult members (over 18 years of age) who have purchased or are included in a full-season membership during the financial year